Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yo Ho Ho!

Ahoy thar, me heartys! It be a fine day fer talking like a pirate! Ye would do well ta be hearing me midi file as ye read, ya lily-livered landlubbers!

Me an' me saucy wench!

What be a pirate's favarite fast food stop fer getting a roast beef sandwich?

What be a pirate's second job choice?

What sort of sock be a pirate's favarite?

How do ye know when ye be a pirate? don't, ye just ARRR!

What do dyslexic pirates be saying?

What Star Wars character secretly be a pirate?

Where do pirates be getting thar drinks?
...StARRRbucks, fer cARRRamel apple cidARRR!

What rating be the new pirate movie?
...ARRR, fer all the booty!

How many pirate jokes be lame?
...most ARRR!

Me first mate!

A good Talk Like A Pirate Day to ye!

1 comment:

Smartie said...

Arrrgg! I missed this! Dammit!

I'm going to have to train a parrot to stand on my shoulder, for next year.

I love your blog, BTW :) You write so well!